
2015 List Of The Hottest Internet Traffic Sources For Internet Marketers – Need More Internet Traffic Look Here Fast!

Act: Internet traffic converts into cash online. The more targeted web traffic that you send to your Website, Blog, or affiliate offers the more money your business is going to make period.
Not this kind of traffic Internet traffic click here Facebook marketers!
Not this kind of traffic Internet traffic click here Facebook marketers if you want to learn how to go viral with your Facebook marketing!
2015 List Of The Hottest
Look Here Fast!
Internet Traffic Sources For Internet Marketers
2015 List Of The Hottest  Traffic Sources For Internet Marketers. Get More Traffic To Your Blog, Website, Facebook Pages, Small Business, And Affiliate Offers.

List Of High Traffic Internet Marketing Forums

 Warriorforum –  The Warriorforum is the most popular internet marketing forum in the World where all the top internet marketers discuss everything under the sun to make more money online. The Warriorforum is excellent to learn, advertise, and help other internet marketers find online financial success.
Webmasterun –  I really like this internet marketing forum it is well put together, and it is getting some good internet traffic. So signup it is free and a good traffic source for internet marketers. – Lisa Irby is a long standing internet marketer that runs this forum that teaches you the ins and outs of building a Website. This forum also covers a variety of other topics related to making money online and Internet marketing. Check it out this forum gets a lot of traffic.
 Wickedfire – Another very high traffic internet marketing forum that is very popular. Sign up it is free to be a member and a good place to find some great leads for your business.
 Digitalpointforums – This long time forum has a ton of free internet traffic that you can tap into.
 Blackhatteam – This forum discusses everything blackhat in terms of seo and making money online. This forum may not be politically correct in Googles eyes but it has a huge following and can deliver massive Internet traffic if you actively participate.
 Blackhatworld – Pretty much the same as the forum above massive internet traffic potential, loyal followers, and a great traffic source to tap into.
 Sitepointforums – This is a super high traffic forum that has been around forever that discusses everything Websites.
 UKbusinessforums – This site was launched way back in 2003 and it is a traffic powerhouse with over 150,000 active members participating. Hint: You do not have to be from the U.K to use the forum to advertise your business.

List Of High Traffic Social Networking Sites

Facebook –  Everyone internet marketer or not knows what Facebook is and how popular this traffic source can be. My tip: Start a Facebook fanpage around your businesses niche and join relevant Facebook groups to post in for maximum Internet traffic. Paid Facebook ads can be a very low cost targeted way to drive web traffic to your offers if you know how to do it properly. This Facebook training course is hours long taught by a Facebook marketing expert that is a good investment if you want to learn all about Facebook marketing. Click here for more info! 
Twitter – If you are an internet marketer of any experience level you have probably sent out a few Tweets already. Build up your Twitter following by following related Twiiter accounts and Tweet out what is happening with your business for maximum Internet traffic.
Linkedin – This is my personal favorite social networking site for business owners and entrepreneurs from around the World. Fact: The average yearly income for a Linkedin user is $75,000 dollars a year so business people looking to advertise their business have a ton of professional people with money to spend that use this social networking site on a daily basis.  Not to mention that this is one of the most high traffic websites in the World!
Googleplus – Google owns this social networking site obviously:) and the traffic potential from using it is huge!
Pinterest – Share your favorite pins from around the Internet, create Pinterest boards based around your niche, build a loyal Pinterest following, advertise your affiliate offers, and get more web traffic from the super popular social networking site Pinterest. – This is a relatively newer site that has been really taking off and it is great for internet marketers to submit to for free traffic. I did a video review of you can check it out by clicking here
 Betternetworker  – This is an awesome site for web traffic that I am a part of where home business owners congregate.  Betternetworker traffic tip: For $19.95 a month you can post unlimited video’s, classified ads, blog posts, contribute to their forum, and a lot more. Did I mention that everything you post in Betternetworker ranks very well in the search engines:) This is a great site to be a part of for some cheap low cost traffic. – This is a social business platform for all independant business owners who are looking for free traffic, networking, free press release submissions, etc… etc… and BTW you can also pay for pretty cheap traffic through their network. This social networking site gets a huge amount of traffic just check out there Alexa ranking:) OMG:) Definitely a good source of traffic that you can use to drive free and paid traffic if you so choose to your Internet business.

Social Sharing And Bookmarking Sites To Ramp Up Your Internet Traffic Levels

Diggit – Very popular content sharing platform to share your newest blog posts, affiliate offers, or products for your business that you want to share with the World for an increase in your web traffic levels.
Livejournal – Very popular content sharing platform that you can tap into.
Stumbleupon – find and share the hottest pages from around the World wide web for an increase in your web traffic. Tip: Share every blog post, affiliate offer, or product that you are advertising on this network for more eyeballs on your offers.
Redditit – Share your favorite links, blog posts, or affiliate offers to Reddit for a spike in your Internet traffic levels using the super popular  content sharing site Reddit. P.S. This course just won JVZoo product of the day it is exceptional training on how to get a ton of laser targeted free traffic on Reddit P.S. I bought this! Click here to check it out! This is the first course of it’s kind that is very detailed that covers this pretty much hidden traffic goldmine. While everyone is marketing on Facebook, and Twitter these guys are killing it with Reddit traffic training course and they are going to show you how inside this all inclusive Reddit training course.
Hackernews – Dont let the name scare you this website is super simple to submit to and it get a ton of Internet traffic so check it out!
Tumblr – Tumble all your newest blog posts and affiliate offers to  one of the highest traffic content sharing platforms on the Internet Tumblr.
Instapaper – I love this cool little site that gets a ton of traffic. Instapaper takes your blog posts, or content and basically clones it where it is shared around the Internet.
Googlebookmarks – This is a cool site where you can get a quick backlink and another link pointed at your blog posts for a boost in your seo.
Blogger – Create a quick blogger blog advertising your business and everytime you submit a blog post on your main self hosted WordPress blog submit to your blogger blog for a quick backlink.
Rebelmouse – Create a rebelmouse board and submit all your latest blog posts, affiliate offers, products, and services for a real spike in your traffic levels. Tip: This site  is consistently bringing me the most traffic of all social sharing sites whenever I check my web analytics. Click the rebelmouse link to check out my Rebelmouse board so you can see how it looks.
Scoopit – This is another excellent content sharing platform with a lot of traffic potential to submit your content to.
Pheed for free traffic – Pheed is a social marketing platform where the users can share a variety of things from around the Internet like text, audio, video’s, podcasts, and way more! This site is a great source of free traffic so use it.

Top Video Sharing Sites On The Web For More Traffic To Your Affiliate Offers, Blogs, Websites, And Everything Else That You Are Advertising Online:)

Youtube – The king of all video marketing sites of the World with more Internet traffic than Yahoo, and Bing combined and it is not even a traditional search engine. Youtube is the Game of Thrones of the video marketing world, and would be the husband of Calissey the dragon princess:) Love that show Game of Thrones Btw:) I have over 8,300 Youtube followers on my channel if you want to follow me and learn how to make more money online as an affiliate marketer Click here and subscribe to my Youtube channel.
P.S. This is an awesome video creator software if you are looking for some help with your video marketing click here to create amazing videos!
 Vimeo – one of the most popular video sharing sites in the World in the top 100 in terms of the Internet traffic that this video site attracts. Hint: Vimeo can bring you a ton of free traffic if used properly.
 Dailymotion – Another super high traffic video sharing site where you should submit your videos to.
 Vine – Those short video clips are really taking off Vine is truly a traffic powerhouse that should be added to all internet marketers traffic campaigns.
 Facebook – Submit your videos to your Facebook fanpages, and the Facebook groups that you are a member of and see if they can go viral.
 Metcafe –  Another video sharing site with a ton of Internet traffic to submit your videos to.

Classified Sites To Submit To For A Ton Of Free Traffic To Your Online Business Or Affiliate Offers

Backpage – This is my personal favorite classified site to submit to for traffic because you can just pay to submit posts in multiple cities, countries, etc… ( Whatever your internet marketing goals are!  )
 Kijiji – Ebay owns Kijiji and we all know how popular Ebay is definitely a great free traffic source.
  U.SFREEADS–  This is a pretty good website tp place classified ads. Still pretty effective but not as good as backpage, or Craigslist. To get the most traffic out of this website I would recommend you go with the $9.99 a month where you can post unlimited classified ads.
 Gumtree – This is Great Britains own version of Craigslist in terms of popularity and the sheer amount of traffic that it receives on a daily basis. Gumtree is definitely a good classified site to add to your traffic arsenal.

List Of My Favorite Internet Marketing Blogs For Free Traffic And Good Information – This is a very informative blog brought to you by super affiliate marketer check it out and comment on a few blog posts for more web traffic. –  Good info in the make money online niche comment on a few blog posts and learn some tips on affiliate marketing and making money online on Johnchows blog. – The #1 affiliate marketing training blog @ review site online of course I am biased:) stop in and comment on some of my blog posts for an increase in your traffic. – This site is a place where bloggers come together to learn all aspects of growing their blogs including how to get more blog or web traffic. – Shoe man first got real popular online with his adsense picture years ago that shows what is possible with a little hard work and determination ( see screenshot below ) anyhow is a good place to go to learn all aspects of making money online.

My Favorite Ways To Drive Paid Traffic

Bingads – Bing users are usually wealthier people with money to spend, and Bing ads are a lot less pricey than Google Adwords ads, and if done right convert extremely well.
Googleadwords –  This is the advertising platform that turned Google into a multi – billion dollar company and continues to bring in the lions share of Googles advertising revenue. Pricier than the others but hey it is Google it is where most people are searching for stuff online. Google obviously is the biggest traffic powerhouse of the Internet place a paid ad and grab your share of it’s billions of yearly searches.
 7search advertising network – This is the paid traffic platform I used to get started with pay per click it requires only $50 to get started. I created a 7search video on how to use 7search a while back you can watch it by clicking here
 Facebook Paid Ads – Facebook is great because you can pretty much target people down to what color underwear they are wearing:) alright not that good I was joking, but pretty close. I like to use Facebook ads to build up my email list they work excellent for that. With over a Billion plus registered members Worldwide Facebook is a traffic powerhouse!

My 2 Favorite Document Sharing Sites For Free Traffic

Docstoc – Truly a traffic powerhouse on the document sharing site scene.
 Slideshare – Turn your content into P.D.F. form and submit it to this top document sharing site for a ton of free traffic.

The Importance Of Seo For Free Traffic From The Search Engines

Only post 100% unique content to your blog or Websites so you can get a ton of free traffic from the search engines like Google, Yahoo, and bing. If the keywords in the niche that you are targeting are competitive, it will take you longer to rank in the search engines. On the other hand, if they are less competitive, you can be ranking #1 on the search engines in a relatively short amount of time. Stay persistent, post great content, only link to high quality sites, and you will get a ton of free targeted traffic from the search engines for years to come.

Email Marketing For Instant Traffic #1 Lesson You Should Say Over And Over Again To Yourself Is Build That Email List ( Helpful Resources To Help Build Your Email List )

 Aweber – I have been with these guys for years they truly are the best in my opinion of all email service providers that are out there. P.S. See the link I have underlined for 1 whole month free so you can try it out for yourself. Tip: Having your own email list is essentially like having your own ATM machine if you have a good list you can send out a message and get affiliate sales on demand.
Build My List –   Jimmy Kims top notch training program that teaches you the ins and outs of making money online through email marketing. ( Very in depth – Very good course for anyone wanting to really sharpen up there email marketing skills. )
Landing Page Monkey – This program does not monkey around:) I have been using these squeeze pages since they launched late last year. Low cost, top notch, conversion details built in for all the squeeze pages that you create and a ton more options that make Landing Page Monkey a winner in my book time and time again.

My Favorite Free Press Release Site For Free Internet Traffic – I love this site your press releases rank excellent in the search engines and the best part about it is it’s free:)