Why Competitors Often Blow It
There's a reason why disappointment is the norm and success is the exception. Practically every gym in America has a "guru" with a secret plan guaranteed to make you super-dry, full, and shredded onstage. Unfortunately, most of these plans are complete BS. They'll leave you dry, all right-high and dry, and nowhere near the winner's circle.I've compiled the following free peak week series for Bodybuilding.com so that you're the one who pulls it all together before a show; you're the one who stands onstage looking better than you ever thought possible; you're the one who brings home the trophy.
The purpose of this video series and the accompanying article is to simplify peak week so that you can hit the stage at your very best-and win!
So join me as take you step-by-step through five videos telling you everything you need to know about nutrition, water and sodium, weight training and cardio, posing, and stage presence-the five pillars of competition success. The accompanying video lays it all out in precisely the sort of systematic detail you'll need to be at your best come show day.
Did I mention that all this information-based on my years of experience, study, and competing-is completely free? All I need is your time and attention. If you have the drive and desire, Bodybuilding.com and I are happy to give you your roadmap to success.