What you’re about to hear will shock you…
Everyone knows that there is a widening income gap between the rich and the poor.
But did you know…
Everyone knows that there is a widening income gap between the rich and the poor.
But did you know…
The 85 richest people on Earth now have as much money as the bottom HALF of the world’s population.
That’s right, according to a report released this year by the British humanitarian group Oxfam International…
The richest 85 people on the planet have as much wealth – about $1.7 trillion – as one half of the entire human race, about 3.5 billion people.
Those 85 people are part of the world’s richest 1% - a group that has amassed about 46% of the world’s wealth, or $110 trillion.
This Top 1% has 65 times the TOTAL wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population.
Pretty shocking.
Now, income inequality is growing worldwide, but there’s one country that has led the world in wealth concentration.
The United States.
The percentage of income held by the richest 1% in the US has grown nearly 150% over the past 30 years… while the bottom 90% of Americans have become poorer.
Obama recently called the expanding gap between rich and poor a “bigger threat” to the US economy than the enormous federal budget deficit.
And a report released this year by the Sadoff Investment Research firm found that the top 1% of wage-earning households in the US bring in about $1.2 million per year.
That’s 41 times as much as the average income for all wage-earners, who bring in about $40,000 per year.
Now, what does this mean for you?
Well, you have two choices:
The richest 85 people on the planet have as much wealth – about $1.7 trillion – as one half of the entire human race, about 3.5 billion people.
Those 85 people are part of the world’s richest 1% - a group that has amassed about 46% of the world’s wealth, or $110 trillion.
This Top 1% has 65 times the TOTAL wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population.
Pretty shocking.
Now, income inequality is growing worldwide, but there’s one country that has led the world in wealth concentration.
The United States.
The percentage of income held by the richest 1% in the US has grown nearly 150% over the past 30 years… while the bottom 90% of Americans have become poorer.
Obama recently called the expanding gap between rich and poor a “bigger threat” to the US economy than the enormous federal budget deficit.
And a report released this year by the Sadoff Investment Research firm found that the top 1% of wage-earning households in the US bring in about $1.2 million per year.
That’s 41 times as much as the average income for all wage-earners, who bring in about $40,000 per year.
Now, what does this mean for you?
Well, you have two choices:
You can resent the wealthy.
You can become one of them.
people say that wealthy people are greedy, but studies show that people
also view them as harder working and more intelligent.
And the truth is that many of us want to be wealthy.
Even if you’re not motivated by material possessions, I’m sure you want enough money to be “financially free.”
To be able to:
And the truth is that many of us want to be wealthy.
Even if you’re not motivated by material possessions, I’m sure you want enough money to be “financially free.”
To be able to:
- Do what you want to do when you want to do it
- Go on vacation when you please
- Travel the world
- Have enough money in the bank account to not have to “worry” about bills, debt, your mortgage, or car payments
… unless you figure out the “secret”
the wealthy use to amass their fortunes.
This “secret” is right in front of your nose even though you might not recognize it.
It can be extremely easy for you to grasp, but only if you know what you’re looking for.
I spent years searching for it, coming close and then having it fall through my fingers like sand.
Then all of a sudden I “got it.”
And once I had it my income skyrocketed and I kissed my “money worries” goodbye forever.
What is this secret to wealth?
Well, if you stay with me for about 60 more seconds I’ll tell you.
But first, I need to explain who I am and how I discovered this secret.
My name is Matt Lloyd and I come from fairly humble beginnings.
I grew up on a farm near Perth, Australia and while I never went hungry, my family was far from wealthy.
I always knew I wanted something more, a better life.
In November of 2008 I started trying to make money online, working out of my bedroom.
At the time, I was a university student barely making $600 a week mowing lawns and trying online marketing on the side.
Then in early 2009, I dropped out of college.
I committed myself entirely.
I studied everything I could find and tried every product I could get my hands on.
But I wasn’t getting anywhere… or making much money.
At the same time, I was also studying the wealthiest people on the planet, people like:
In all, I studied about 500 of the wealthiest people on the planet and kept coming back to ONE big question…
“What made them their money?”
For some, it was real estate.
For others, it was the stock market.
But BY FAR the most common way they made their billions was…
It can be extremely easy for you to grasp, but only if you know what you’re looking for.
I spent years searching for it, coming close and then having it fall through my fingers like sand.
Then all of a sudden I “got it.”
And once I had it my income skyrocketed and I kissed my “money worries” goodbye forever.
What is this secret to wealth?
Well, if you stay with me for about 60 more seconds I’ll tell you.
But first, I need to explain who I am and how I discovered this secret.

I grew up on a farm near Perth, Australia and while I never went hungry, my family was far from wealthy.
I always knew I wanted something more, a better life.
In November of 2008 I started trying to make money online, working out of my bedroom.
At the time, I was a university student barely making $600 a week mowing lawns and trying online marketing on the side.
Then in early 2009, I dropped out of college.
I committed myself entirely.
I studied everything I could find and tried every product I could get my hands on.
But I wasn’t getting anywhere… or making much money.
At the same time, I was also studying the wealthiest people on the planet, people like:
- Warren Buffet (worth about $65 billion)
- Bill Gates ($78 billion) and
- Mark Zuckerberg ($28.7 billion)
In all, I studied about 500 of the wealthiest people on the planet and kept coming back to ONE big question…
“What made them their money?”
For some, it was real estate.
For others, it was the stock market.
But BY FAR the most common way they made their billions was…
Owning their own business.
About 76% - an overwhelming majority – owned their own (very profitable) business.
That was the secret.
When I realized this it made perfect sense.

So does Richard Branson.
And Mark Zuckerberg.
And they all rake in record profits.
There was just one problem…
I didn’t have enough money (or any investors) to launch a business.
I wasn’t a computer genius like Bill Gates.
I didn’t have an amazing invention like the iPhone.
I didn’t have business or management experience of any kind.
But I did have one thing in my favor…
So I used this determination to build a profitable online business from nothing.
And if you keep
watching this video I’ll show you how you can leverage my business and
make $5,000 to $10,000 (or more) per month in extra income…
- WITHOUT creating your own products
- WITHOUT any business or management experience
- WITHOUT capital or investors
- WITHOUT dealing with customers, returns, or fulfillment
- WITHOUT building websites
- WITHOUT selling anything over the phone or in person
- WITHOUT any computer skills at all
- WITHOUT leaving the comfort of your own home
Sound good?
Alright, back to my story…
There I was... a college dropout, working 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, trying desperately to create an online business from nothing.
I drove traffic, built an email list, and created websites, products, sales funnels, and (most importantly) a marketing system to tie it all together.
It started slow at first – a sale here, another sale there – then it snowballed.
I began making money and LOTS of it.
I put all my profits back into buying traffic, creating more offers, and hiring more staff and sales people.
I started putting on events all over the world, and grew my company into what it is today - an international marketing powerhouse.
I now run the fast growing company in the home business niche on the planet.
My company MOBE has paid out over $12 million to partners like you in 38 countries around the world and we regularly bring in over $1 million per month in sales.
Now, I’m nowhere close to Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but I’m definitely “financially free.”
And it’s all because I own my own business.
Now, you might be thinking, “Ok, Matt. That worked for you, but I can’t build a business from nothing!”
I understand.
Most people are too busy with their family, their job, and the daily responsibilities of life to start their own business.
I get it, and that’s Ok.
Which is why I want to make you an offer…
Alright, back to my story…
There I was... a college dropout, working 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, trying desperately to create an online business from nothing.
I drove traffic, built an email list, and created websites, products, sales funnels, and (most importantly) a marketing system to tie it all together.
It started slow at first – a sale here, another sale there – then it snowballed.
I began making money and LOTS of it.
I put all my profits back into buying traffic, creating more offers, and hiring more staff and sales people.
I started putting on events all over the world, and grew my company into what it is today - an international marketing powerhouse.
I now run the fast growing company in the home business niche on the planet.
My company MOBE has paid out over $12 million to partners like you in 38 countries around the world and we regularly bring in over $1 million per month in sales.
Now, I’m nowhere close to Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but I’m definitely “financially free.”
And it’s all because I own my own business.
Now, you might be thinking, “Ok, Matt. That worked for you, but I can’t build a business from nothing!”
I understand.
Most people are too busy with their family, their job, and the daily responsibilities of life to start their own business.
I get it, and that’s Ok.
Which is why I want to make you an offer…
Partner with me and I will pay you a portion of my revenue.
Here’s how it works…
The “secret” to wealth that I discovered was a marketing system that takes online leads and turns them into money.

- You bring me leads.
- I give you money when I sell things to those leads.
I call it…
My Top Tier Business (or MTTB for short)
When you join MTTB, I will pay you commissions of $1,250… $3,300… and $5,500 without you having to lift a finger.
Here’s how we split the money…
All of the revenue from the products my system sells are split 3 ways.

My salespeople get a cut (around 33%).
And you get a commission – around 50%.
You actually get the biggest piece.
Now, why would I give you MORE money than I keep for myself?
(Seems like a pretty dumb move for a “successful” businessman, right?)
I give you the biggest piece to make it a complete “no brainer” for you.
The more attractive this is, the more partners I have bringing me leads.
That results in a higher volume of sales, and I make more money in the long run.
And so far, the revenue has been astounding…
Here’s John Chow, one of my partners, who has made over $1.1 million in total commissions with the products sold through MTTB.

And then there’s Shaqir Hussyin, who has earned
over $651,903.10 in total commissions.
over $651,903.10 in total commissions.

And Terry Lamb who has earned over $254,375.94 in commissions.

Now, you may have heard of these guys before… some people would consider them “gurus” or experts.
But you don’t need to be an expert or have any online experience to make money with MTTB.
Here are some REGULAR people that have made tens of thousands of dollars in commissions.
Faminoff – a “newbie” who earned over $34,000 in commissions with my
system after only 8 months online. Since then, Ken has made over $66,427 in total commissions.

Then there’s Carolina Millan – a young lady from Chile who has earned over $243,633 in total commissions with my system (shown below in an older photo from 2013 with her BIG check for $72,539)!

And here’s Mike Morin – who made $6,203 in commissions in his first 30 days and then wrote this Facebook post:

As of today, Mike has made $110,091.99 in total commissions!

Also… on top of the BIG commission checks, I’ll also motivate you with other perks like these.
Junjun Li with his Merc

Shelley Belcourt with her Merc

Mike Lee with his Merc

David Gilks with his Merc

Robby Gonzales with his Merc

(I’ll let you know how you can get your own Merc for free
after you get started with MTTB).
after you get started with MTTB).
Now, let’s be honest.
You’re probably skeptical about these results and incentives like free Mercs.
I don’t blame you.
There’s a lot of hype in this industry.
But all of these results and photos are 100% real (I could get into really big trouble if they weren’t).
With that said, I want to be clear… these results are NOT typical.
You do have to put in some time to generate leads, but if you do then there’s nothing stopping you.
You see, there’s something different about MTTB that leads to this massive success.
The key is high-ticket – or Top Tier – programs sold to your leads.
Your leads will eventually be sold into high priced programs by my phone sales team.
Each time they make a sale for you, you get a $1,250… $3,300… or $5,500 commission.
(By the way… my
sales team is made up of 6 or 7-figure earners, and they’re some of the
best – but not pushiest – sales people in the industry).
This is the secret behind MTTB and it’s what makes it completely unique.
There is no one else out there willing to give you a majority share of their backend high-ticket sales.
No one.
(I checked).
Not only that… with MTTB I’ll even show you how to generate leads.
That’s right.
I take care of EVERYTHING after the lead comes in and I’ll show you how to find the leads in the first place… even if you have ZERO experience online.
MTTB comes with a simple, easy-to-understand training program that will show you how the system works and how to get leads for it.
Here’s what’s included when you join MTTB today:
Now, I could easily charge $1,000 (or more) for this.
But I’m not going to do that.
I want to grow my business to $50 million in revenue per year, and the way I do that is by bringing on more partners.

Or $500.
Or even $250.
Your investment today is a small application fee of $49.
Once you take
care of this fee, you’ll be put in touch with your coach who will ask
you a couple simple questions to make sure you’re a good fit for MTTB.
You will NOT be sold anything on this call.
Think of this as a friendly interview.
If you decide the program is not right for you, no problem… we’ll refund you on the spot.
If we decide that this is a good fit, then you’re in.
Once accepted, you’ll get Instant Access to MTTB and your coach will be available to answer any questions you have.
Note: Your
coach is assigned according to your time zone and country. If you’re in
Australia, you’ll get an Australian coach. If you’re in the U.S., you’ll
get an American coach. We have coaches in the U.K., the U.S., and
Australia and between all of them, we have most of the world’s time
zones covered.
Also, you’ll have to fill out a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Some of the information you’ll be getting access to is highly
proprietary and I want to keep it out of the hands of my competitors.
PLUS… My No-Risk
$500 Cash Back Guarantee
$500 Cash Back Guarantee

I am so confident in MTTB, that I’m willing to back it up with a $500 Cash Back Guarantee.
Complete the application and take care of your fee today. If you aren’t
accepted or decide later this isn’t for you, I’ll refund your $49
investment… no questions asked. On top of that, if you go
through the training and don’t make a commission within 30 days of
completing all the steps, then I will pay you $500 cash via PayPal (or
by check).
Now, in order to make this bold guarantee, there have to be some ground rules…
- You need to go through each of the 21 steps on the day it’s assigned to you.
- If you skip a step, or do a step out of order you forfeit the guarantee.

Fair enough?
Apply below now to get started.
When you hit the “Apply Now” button, you’re going to be taken to a form that looks like the image on the right.
After you fill out the form, talk to your coach, and are accepted… you will get Instant Access to the online member’s area.
You will
instantly become a partner in a profitable business that pays you
$1,250… $3,300… and $5,500 commissions just for finding leads.
You will get personal 1-on-1 coaching to answer all your questions.
guarantee that you will make a commission within 30 days of completing
the initial 21-step training, or I will pay you $500 cash out of my own
You have nothing to lose.
Apply below now.

If you wait, then the rich will get richer, and it will only become harder for to you maintain your current standard of living.
So… you really only have two choices.
You can watch from the sidelines as other people make money with this…
You can join MTTB today and change your life.
The choice is yours.
Apply below now.