
Pixel Studio Pro

Hold on One Minute!


As a brand new member of Pixel Studio FX, I was offering you an upgrade to your software.
You see the PRO package is unique as it provides you with over 400 additional new done for you themes, over 300 license free font’s, and double the storage space!
Now, maybe you didn’t get a good look at Pixel Studio Pro.

As you can see, Pixel Studio Pro comes grouped with Groupshot Pro, the 3D bundle maker.
But maybe you aren’t ready for the bundle maker yet…

So before you go, I want to offer you THREE options today:

Option #1: Pixel Studio Pro

I’ll remove Groupshot Studio, cut $50 off the price and you’ll get instant and lifetime access to Pixel Studio Pro.
This includes:
400 NEW themes (On top of your 250 You Already Get) – Valued at $20,000
300 Additional Fonts (on top of the 200 You already Get) - Valued at $1,500
The ability to upload, host, and design your own images (100Megs Worth) – Valued at $199